After the release of NON in eary 1983,one of the first contacts that BOB"X" recieved was from JAY KENNEDY,who had just released the first(and as it turns out the only) OFFICAL UNDERGROUND AND NEW WAVE COMIX PRICE GUIDE. Jay was exteremly impressed by the copy of NON that he had ordred,and wrote back request-ing more copies.One of these copies ended up in the hands of GARY PANTER (who was a regular contributor to RAW and creator of the comic character JIMBO)

Gary was likewise impressed and contacted BOB"X" to voice his approval and support. By now other artists were starting to show some interest in XEX GRAPHIX and many of them were wanting to know if XEX would be interested in publishing artwork other than that of just BOB"X" and XNO. Although this was not really the original plan,BOB"X"(who by this point was pretty much running things single -handedly again) figured "Why not?"

By now XEX had a couple of new mini comix to offer; OBLIQUE by BOB"X" and XNO's REGULAR MONSTER. Dozens of solo mini comix would soon follow. In- cluded were these titles; MASKS I and MASKS II by BOB"X", BRAIN BAT by XNO, as well as the collabrative effort between XNO and BOB"X" simply entitled XEX #1.

There were also several artists anxious to "jam" with BOB"X" on collabrative efforts. These include; DREAMS CARVED IN ROCK with MAGGIE RESCH of Seattle,Wa., SNAKE PARANOIA with JOHN E. of Witchata,Ks., CRAZY MEN with MICHEAL RODEN of Milford,OH. LITTLE BASTARDS with KAZ of Hoboken,NJ.

With all of this interest and actitivity BOB"X" and XNO could barely keep pace with the mounting requests to participate in collabrative efforts from artists all over the country,and later world wide! Niether XNO or BOB"X" had anticipated this flurry of activity,but were none the less delighted wiith this sudden acceptence and interest in the work that they did,which for so long had been ignored,ridiculed and rejected as "too weird" and/or "too extreme" by almost everyone who veiwed it. And THAT includes all of the major publishers of the so-called "underground" artwork.

Who is Bob X